Interview with Feminism in India
Kripa Joshi’s Miss Moti Busts Body Image Issues One Comic At A Time Read the article

Review in BuzzFeed
Meet Miss Moti: The Progressive, Body-Positive Comic Character Read there article

Review in The News Minute
In a culture of body shaming, Miss Moti's adventures are a breath of fresh air. Read the article

Review in Scoopwhoop
Meet Miss Moti, The Comic Character Who Shows What Makes Real Women More Awesome Than Princesses Read the article

Miss Moti featured in Feminist Graphic Arts
Miss Moti is going to be featured in the exhibition and zine at the Feminist Graphic Arts event at the Feminist Library, London on 28th...

Miss Moti is on the cover of Strumpet 3 - the Tasty issue!
I think one of the best things about being a co-editor of The Strumpet has been to design the cover for the Tasty Issue. I thought it was...

Launch of Wu Wei anthology featuring Miss Moti goddesses
The launch of the Wu Wei spiritual comic anthology was a great success! Check out the Miss Moti goddess Saraswati and Laxmi. Saraswati is...

Miss Moti comic in India's Femina Magazine
Very excited that the June issue of India's Femina magazine features the one page comic of Miss Moti and Women United. It shares the...

Miss Moti review in the Hindustan Times
Miss Moti was featured in the Hindustan Times. Read more... #missmoti #india #review